À l’occasion du 19 juin, Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la violence sexuelle en temps de conflit, le Mouvement des survivant.e.s de violences sexuelles en RDC a organisé...
On the occasion of June 19, the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the Movement of Survivors in DRC premiered a special debate surrounding the themes addressed in...
“Ce 1er septembre, nous célébrons le vingtième anniversaire de l’ouverture de l’Hôpital Panzi. Né dans un contexte de conflits, l’Hôpital de Panzi a, dès ses premiers jours...
Today, on August 14th, we celebrate Kim Hak-soon halmoni, a Japanese military “comfort woman” who 28 years ago told the world about the atrocities committed against her. Her courage...
Despite their wounds and destroyed lives, despite their stigmatisation by family and community, survivors are the true heroes for justice, speaking out against their persecutors by testifying in...
After several painful years of waiting, the International Criminal Court has finally released its verdict declaring Bosco Ntaganda guilty of multiple crimes including acts of rape and sexual violence....
July 9th, 2019 We welcome the guilty verdict issued yesterday by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Bosco Ntaganda. This judgment restores confidence in international...
Le Mouvement des Survivant.e.s de Viols et Violences Sexuelles en RDC, la Fondation Mukwege, la Fondation Panzi RDC, la Fédération Mondiale Luthérienne et le Prix Right Livelihood ont soumis un...
Five organisations, the Movement of Survivors of Rape and Sexual Violence in the DRC, the Mukwege Foundation, the Panzi Foundation DRC, the Lutheran World Federation and the Right Livelihood Award...