Devant la situation des femmes et filles retenues comme esclaves sexuelles dans le Kasaï, les autorités congolaises ferment les yeux et bâillonnent la parole les manifestants. En décembre 2017,...
20 years ago, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established. So far, however, there was no final conviction for sexual violence crimes at the court. Our guest author asks why. A guest blog...
On Thursday night, the High Military Court of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (HMC) has confirmed the convictions of all 11 accused in the Kavumu case. In 2017, 11 men were found guilty of...
During the first training on specialized and quality care for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in July in Northern Iraq, Dr Denis Mukwege shared his experience from his work in Congo with...
Survivors of sexual violence demand recognition of and reparations for the harm they suffered. With the support of the Mukwege Foundation, a delegation of women from Congo, Guinea, Iraq and Kosovo met...
Les survivantes de violences sexuelles demandent une reconnaissance et des réparations pour le préjudice qu’elles ont subi. Avec le soutien de la Fondation Mukwege, une délégation de femmes du...
Depuis cette année, le 19 juin célèbre la Journée Internationale pour l’Elimination du Viol et des Violences sexuelles en temps de conflit dans le monde. La violence contre les femmes et les...
The acquittal of Jean-Pierre Bemba is the outcome of a tenacious judicial saga that lasted longer than a decade. Jean-Pierre Bemba was prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes...
Appeals judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) overturned on Friday the conviction of the former Congolese vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba. “The acquittal is a great disappointment and a...