The Mukwege Foundation is partner of the international conference “Stand Speak Rise Up!” to end sexual violence in fragile environments, which takes place on 26 and 27 March 2019 in Luxembourg.
Almost 500 people, including 322 survivors of sexual violence, participated in the launch of the survivor movement in Central African Republic. The national branch of the Global Survivor Network...
Oslo, 10 Décembre 2018
« Les États doivent tracer une ligne rouge. Agir est une question de volonté politique. »
“Governments must draw a red line. Taking action is a matter of political will.”
Information for the media on the upcoming awarding of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize to Dr Denis Mukwege.
At our high-level symposium in The Hague, survivors and policy makers discussed ways how the international community can give recognition and support to victims of wartime sexual violence.
Together with survivors, Mukwege Foundation presents global reparations scheme to address the consequences of rape as a weapon of war.