Communiqué du Mouvement des survivant.e.s concernant l'arrêt des manifestants

Foundation news August 3, 2018

Devant la situation des femmes et filles retenues comme esclaves sexuelles dans le Kasaï, les autorités congolaises ferment les yeux et bâillonnent la parole les manifestants. En décembre 2017,...

Statement by Dr Denis Mukwege on the acquittal of Jean-Pierre Bemba

Press releases June 9, 2018

The acquittal of Jean-Pierre Bemba is the outcome of a tenacious judicial saga that lasted longer than a decade. Jean-Pierre Bemba was prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes...

Statement by the Global Survivor Movement on the occasion of the UN Security Council’s Ope...

Press releases April 13, 2018

When survivors stand up, they help end and prevent the use of sexual violence as a method of warfare. Their voices render rape as a weapon of war ineffective. Sexual violence in conflict is not only...

Statement by Dr Denis Mukwege on the verdict of the child rape trial in Kavumu

Press releases December 15, 2017

On Wednesday, 13 December, the curtains fell on the trial of Kavumu. The trial focused on the systematic rape of 42 children, aged 18 months to 10 years old. An exemplary verdict: twelve convictions...

Statement by Dr Denis Mukwege on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence aga...

Press releases November 25, 2017

Violence against women and girls is an abhorrent violation of human rights. This systemic violence continues to permeate borders, walls and bodies at an unprecedented rate in countless regions of our...

Statement of Dr. Denis Mukwege on the occasion of the International Day for the Eliminatio...

Press releases June 19, 2017

Bukavu  (19 June 2017) – As sexual violence continues to be committed on a large scale worldwide, today’s International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict serves as a reminder...

Statement on the Restoration of Permanent Protection of Dr Mukwege and Panzi Hospital

Press releases May 16, 2017

Statement on the Restoration of Permanent Protection of Dr Mukwege and Panzi Hospital Bukavu/The Hague – The doctors, medical and administrative staff as well as the patients of the Panzi...

Statement on the protection MONUSCO provides to Dr. Mukwege and Panzi hospital

Press releases May 11, 2017

The Hague/Bukavu – On Tuesday, May 9, the French newspaper “La Croix” published an article stating that MONUSCO no longer provides permanent protection to Dr. Denis Mukwege. That...

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