In South Sudan, one of the most brutal and neglected wars are destroying the lives of thousands, particularly women. In less than three weeks in July, the United Nations has documented at least 217...
In an extraordinary step, the Colombian government and FARC rebels said they will guarantee specific rights for women in a peace agreement, which soon could end 50 years of conflict. As part of the...
In 2013, Bolingo Katusi, a soldier in the Congolese military, broke into the house of two women in Mukuloka, threatened them with his rifle and raped them. With the support of the two victims and...
When Hissène Habré ruled in Chad, millions of people were raped, tortured and killed. A court has now ruled that the former dictator must pay $34,000 to each rape victim. Most of the victims live in...
Le 19 juin, Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la violence sexuelle en temps de conflit, le Colisée de Rome a été illuminé pour éveiller les esprits, mettre en lumière les...
On June 19, the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the Colosseum in Rome was lightened to illuminate consciences, bring light to the testimonies of survivors and pay...