The Movement of Survivors in DRC presents a special debate surrounding SEMA film to highli...

In the headlines July 8, 2020

On the occasion of June 19, the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the Movement of Survivors in DRC premiered a special debate surrounding the themes addressed in...

Dr Mukwege celebrates Panzi Hospital 20 year anniversary

In the headlines September 2, 2019

“Ce 1er septembre, nous célébrons le vingtième anniversaire de l’ouverture de l’Hôpital Panzi.   Né dans un contexte de conflits, l’Hôpital de Panzi a, dès ses premiers jours...

World Day for International Justice 2019

In the headlines July 16, 2019

Despite their wounds and destroyed lives, despite their stigmatisation by family and community, survivors are the true heroes for justice, speaking out against their persecutors by testifying in...

The Movement of Survivors in the DRC speak out about the conviction of Bosco Ntaganda by t...

In the headlines July 11, 2019

After several painful years of waiting, the International Criminal Court has finally released its verdict declaring Bosco Ntaganda guilty of multiple crimes including acts of rape and sexual violence....

Dr Mukwege’s statement on the conviction of Bosco Ntaganda

In the headlines July 9, 2019

July 9th, 2019   We welcome the guilty verdict issued yesterday by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Bosco Ntaganda.   This judgment restores confidence in international...

Dr Denis Mukwege’s Statement on June 19th, 2019

In the headlines June 19, 2019

Today is the International Day to Eliminate Sexual Violence in Conflict — an opportunity for us to reflect upon what has been accomplished thus far and also remind us of the urgency to intensify...

Interview of Catarina Furtado with Dr Mukwege

In the headlines June 12, 2019

Catarina Furtado, Portuguese television presenter, actress, and UNFPA goodwill ambassador interviewed Dr. Denis Mukwege during his visit to Portugal at the Estoril Conference in May 2019.  “We...

Le discours de Mague

In the headlines May 24, 2019

Je ne vous apprends rien en disant que les conflits ont des conséquences désastreuses sur les populations civiles, et tout particulièrement sur les femmes. Mon pays, la République Démocratique du...

Iryna’s Speech

Iryna, a survivor of sexual violence during the conflict in Ukraine, bravely stood on stage and told her story at the Ending Gender Based Sexual Violence Conference in Oslo, Norway on May 24, 2019. I...

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