Dr Mukwege’s statement on the conviction of Bosco Ntaganda

In the headlines July 9, 2019

July 9th, 2019   We welcome the guilty verdict issued yesterday by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Bosco Ntaganda.   This judgment restores confidence in international...

La voix des survivantes de viols congolaises entendues à Genève lors de la 73e session du ...

Foundation news July 8, 2019

Le Mouvement des Survivant.e.s de Viols et Violences Sexuelles en RDC, la Fondation Mukwege, la Fondation Panzi RDC, la Fédération Mondiale Luthérienne et le Prix Right Livelihood ont soumis un...

The Voice of Congolese rape survivors heard in Geneva at the 73rd session of CEDAW

Five organisations, the Movement of Survivors of Rape and Sexual Violence in the DRC, the Mukwege Foundation, the Panzi Foundation DRC, the Lutheran World Federation and the Right Livelihood Award...

Dr Mukwege’s Speech in South Korea

Press releases July 3, 2019

Dr Mukwege delivers the keynote speech at the 1st International Conference on “Action with Women and Peace.” Together with survivors of the SEMA network, he urgently advocates for justice...

Mukwege Foundation Annual Accounts Report 2018

Press releases July 1, 2019

You can view the accounts and auditor report here.

Dr Denis Mukwege’s Statement on June 19th, 2019

In the headlines June 19, 2019

Today is the International Day to Eliminate Sexual Violence in Conflict — an opportunity for us to reflect upon what has been accomplished thus far and also remind us of the urgency to intensify...

Interview of Catarina Furtado with Dr Mukwege

In the headlines June 12, 2019

Catarina Furtado, Portuguese television presenter, actress, and UNFPA goodwill ambassador interviewed Dr. Denis Mukwege during his visit to Portugal at the Estoril Conference in May 2019.  “We...

Mukwege Foundation in the Independent

Uncategorized June 3, 2019

‘Sexual violence in DRC is blind. It affects each and every generation – regardless of age, clothes, economic status, religion, or any other factor,’ Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr Mukwege...

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