Dr. Mukwege and UN collaborate to support survivors of sexual violence in Guinea

Foundation news February 13, 2017

Dozens of people were raped during a pro-democracy demonstration at the national soccer stadium in Conakry in 2009. A team of doctors from Congo, led by Dr. Denis Mukwege, visited the Guinean capital...

Suspension of US conflict minerals law could put women at higher risk of rape

In the headlines February 10, 2017

The US administration reportedly considers the suspension of a law aimed at eliminating the trade in conflict minerals. The move could put women at a higher risk of experiencing sexual violence, which...

Dr. Mukwege supports UN efforts to integrate human rights and health

Women are disproportionately affected by all kinds of sexual violence, not only in conflict zones. At the same time, however, women and adolescents in some countries do not have the same access to the...

The world remains silent while Rohingya women are subjected to rape in Myanmar

In the headlines January 26, 2017

In Myanmar, hundreds of Rohingya women have been raped with the aim to marginalize the minority group. Some say sexual violence is used as a tool to commit genocide. While cases of abuse are being...

Recognition of their suffering needed for the Malaya Lolas

In the headlines January 18, 2017

Survivors of conflict-related sexual violence endure abuses so horrific that the consequences may last a lifetime, including psychological, social and physical suffering. While implementing...

ICC decision extends protection for sexual violence victims

In the headlines January 13, 2017

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has significantly extended the group of people enjoying the protection of the law against sexual violence. In a recent decision in the Ntaganda case, the judges...

End of year letter to our supporters

Foundation news January 4, 2017

This year saw a number of deplorable violations against the dignity of women and men through the use of rape as a weapon of war. The “Islamic State” continues to commit these atrocities...

LRA’s Dominic Ongwen denies charges at ICC trial

In the headlines December 8, 2016

This week the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened the trial against Dominic Ongwen, a former Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) commander. According to UN estimates, the group is responsible for...

#16Days of Activism Campaign: A global citizen movement to fight violence against women

Foundation news November 25, 2016

During the 16 Days of Activism Campaign, which starts on November 25th, activists all over the world raise their voice against the widespread violence against women. In the last 25 years, the...

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