Contribution to new Guidelines to combat sexual violence in Africa

Foundation news November 20, 2017

The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) has launched its Guidelines on combating sexual violence and its consequences in Africa in November. The Mukwege Foundation has...

Kavumu child rape trial to start in Congo

Foundation news November 8, 2017

After several days of uncertainty, the trial for the Kavumu rapes is scheduled to finally open today in Bukavu. Nearly five years after the first attacks and following an international mobilization...

Trial in Kavumu child rape case starts

Foundation news November 3, 2017

Five years ago, armed men started to attack the village of Kavumu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). They came during the nights, abducted more than 40 children and raped them. The...

Open Letter to UN ambassadors: More action necessary for women, peace and security

Foundation news October 16, 2017

Together with 390 other organizations we signed an open letter calling for more action to to put the goals of the Women, Peace and Security agenda into practice. Real efforts to materialize gender...

Sexual violence and torture against women in Syrian prisons: report

Foundation news September 1, 2017

In prisons across Syria, sexual violence is used as a method of torture against women, a Syrian human rights organization reports. The detention of women, the conditions and the violence to which...

Activist's reaction to reports on sexual violence in South Sudan

Foundation news July 28, 2017

A report by Amnesty International published this week found sexual violence in the civil war in South Sudan to be used systematically by all parties. Together with members of the global survivor...

Survivors of conflict-related sexual violence meet to build a global network

Foundation news June 30, 2017

Survivors from 12 different countries from all continents join forces to build a global network and draw attention to the use of rape as a weapon of war. With the support of the Dr. Denis Mukwege...

In an exhibition, survivors of conflict-related sexual violence show their healing process...

Organised by the Mukwege Foundation, 25 survivors of conflict-related sexual violence contributed to an exhibition in Geneva. At an extraordinary evening with Dr. Denis Mukwege, the Grand Duchess of...

In Geneva, survivors of conflict-related sexual violence find a forum to connect

Foundation news June 23, 2017

The Mukwege Foundation is hosting a 4-day retreat in Geneva in June with about 30 survivors of sexual violence from more than ten war-affected countries around the globe. This group includes...

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