16 Days of Activism campaign: Liberia

Foundation news December 7, 2017

This documentary illustrating the powerful way in which women in Liberia respond to sexual violence is another example of women breaking the silence. Talking to survivors, these dramatic pieces are...

16 Days of Activism Campaign: Burundi

Foundation news December 5, 2017

Today we present another form of powerful expression – poetry. This poem, “How Do We Break the Stigma of Sexual Violence” was written by survivors from the survivors movement in Burundi to speak...

16 Days of Activism campaign: Asia

Foundation news December 3, 2017

A message of support and solidarity from survivors for Asian “comfort women” Survivors of wartime sexual violence from twelve countries are urging the Japanese government to formally recognize the...

16 Days of Activism campaign: Bangladesh

Foundation news December 1, 2017

The Bangladesh Liberation War resulted from the Bengali nationalist movement. Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) fought for its independence from Pakistan (formerly West Pakistan) in 1971 in a war...

16 jours d’activisme: Congo

Foundation news November 30, 2017

.bgimg {background-image: url(‘https://www.mukwegefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/668092.jpg’);width: 100%;padding:50px;background-size: 100%;background-repeat: no-repeat;} Une...

16 Days of Activism campaign: Congo

.bgimg {background-image: url(‘https://www.mukwegefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/668092.jpg’);width: 100%;padding:50px;background-size: 100%;background-repeat: no-repeat;} A...

16 Days of Activism campaign: Colombia

Foundation news November 28, 2017

During the civil war in Colombia, sexual violence was used by armed groups to punish communities, instill fear in its citizens and impose military control.  Despite the Peace Agreement last year that...

16 Days of Activism campaign: Iraq

Foundation news November 27, 2017

  During the international 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, we are helping spread the message of survivors of sexual violence in conflict zones worldwide. They are...

Statement by Dr Denis Mukwege on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence aga...

Press releases November 25, 2017

Violence against women and girls is an abhorrent violation of human rights. This systemic violence continues to permeate borders, walls and bodies at an unprecedented rate in countless regions of our...

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