Le mouvement national des survivantes de RDC se mobilise pour la Journée mondiale contre l...

Foundation news June 19, 2018

Depuis cette année, le 19 juin célèbre la Journée Internationale pour l’Elimination du Viol et des Violences sexuelles en temps de conflit dans le monde. La violence contre les femmes et les...

Statement by Dr Denis Mukwege on the acquittal of Jean-Pierre Bemba

Press releases June 9, 2018

The acquittal of Jean-Pierre Bemba is the outcome of a tenacious judicial saga that lasted longer than a decade. Jean-Pierre Bemba was prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes...

Acquittal in important ICC sexual violence case a great disappointment

Foundation news June 8, 2018

Appeals judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) overturned on Friday the conviction of the former Congolese vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba. “The acquittal is a great disappointment and a...

New Special Court in the Central African Republic: The end of impunity for sexual violence...

In the headlines June 4, 2018

In the Central African Republic, sexual violence is being used on a large scale by different parties to the conflict. So far, few perpetrators have been held accountable. Therefore, a new Special...

“A culture of silence”: Sexual violence against boys and men in conflict

In the headlines May 23, 2018

In conflicts like Syria, sexual violence is used against men and boys to punish and terrorize communities. As awareness for the issue is increasing, the protection of and care for male victims should...

More than 800 rape survivors protest against increasing violence, following latest mass ra...

Foundation news April 26, 2018

More than 800 Congolese survivors of wartime sexual violence gathered in Bukavu on Thursday to protest against a recent increase in violence, following two recent mass rapes in the east of the...

Statement by the Global Survivor Movement on the occasion of the UN Security Council’s Ope...

Press releases April 13, 2018

When survivors stand up, they help end and prevent the use of sexual violence as a method of warfare. Their voices render rape as a weapon of war ineffective. Sexual violence in conflict is not only...

Experts agree on need for new approach to reparations for sexual violence victims

Foundation news March 13, 2018

On Women’s Day, we co-organised a panel discussion in The Hague, inviting three speakers to reflect on the need of an international reparations mechanism for victims of conflict-related sexual...

Mobile court in Eastern Congo awards reparations to sexual violence victims

Foundation news February 28, 2018

In an area shattered by conflict, justice is reaching victims of sexual violence in the villages of Eastern Congo. A mobile court in the South Kivu province, DRC has awarded reparations between 1,000...

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